Roumen Avramov

Chairman of the NALIS Board of Directors, Permanent Fellow at the Centre for Advanced Studies (CАS)


Roumen Avramov is an economist and historian. He works in the field of Economic History, Economic Culture, Economics of the Inter-Ethnic Conflicts, Central Banking and Monetary Policy. He is a Permanent Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in Sofia. He was a senior research associate at the BAS Institute of Economics (until 1990), one of the founders of the Agency for Economic Coordination and Development at the Bulgarian Council of Ministers (1991–1994), a member of the BNB Board of Governors (1997–2002) and also a Program Director at the Centre for Liberal Strategies in Sofia (1995-2012).

Among other, R. Avramov is the author of the following monographs: Stopanskiiat XX vek na Bulgariia [The Economic 20th Century in Bulgaria] (2001); the three-volume Komunalniiat kapitalizum. Iz bulgarskoto stopansko minalo [Communal Capitalism: Reflections on the Bulgarian Economic Past] (2007); Pari i de/stablilizatsiia v Bulgariia, 1948–1989 [Money and De/stabilization in Bulgaria, 1948–1989] (2008); "Spasenie" i padenie. Mikroikonomika na Darzhavnia Antisemitizam v Balgaria, 1940-1944 ["Salvation" and Abjection. Microeconomics of the State Anti-Semitism in Bulgaria, 1940-1944]; Ikonomika na "Vazroditelnija proces" [Economics of the "Revival Process"]. He also has edited and compiled a number of editions, among them the eight-volume series Bulgarska narodna banka. Sbornik dokumenti, 1878–1990 [The Bulgarian National Bank: Selected Documents, 1878–1990] (1999–2009).