- Info
A training course in Digitool – Indexing and Harvesting – took place online
Training in the ALEPH Printing Module took place at NALISF, Nov 24-25.
The NALIS team was trained to work with the ALEPH Interlibrary Loan Module
A training course in the ALEPH Circulation Module took place at the NALISF
The New Bulgarian University became a NALIS associate member
7,070 retroconverted records created in October
A training course dedicated to Primo took place at NALISF
An international forum organized by NALISF at the Sheraton Hotel (Sofia, 24/09/2010, 9:30-14:00)
Retroconversion - 7,484 records created in September
Richard Ovenden gave lecture at the National Library in Sofia (23/09/2010, 16:45-17:30)
SFX and MetaLib configured
Retroconversion - 5,800 records created in July
Retroconversion - 4,792 records created in August
Primo and DigiTool configured
Retroconversion of the holdings of CL-BAS, SUL and AUBG Library
A training course dedicated to DigiTool took place at NALISF
Тhe translation of Understanding MARC Bibliographic: Machine-Readable Cataloging was finalized.
A training session took place online; Debbie Cheesman, a system consultant at Ex Libris (London), introduced the NALIS team to the DigiTool
DigiTool kick-off meeting between the NALIS team and Ex Libris experts took place online
Primo kick-off meeting between the NALIS team and Ex Libris experts took place online
MetaLib and SFX test versions were launched
А training course took place at the NALIS Foundation
Kick-off meeting between the NALIS team and Ex Libris experts took place online
Тhe translation of Understanding MARC Authority Recodrs: Machine-Readable Cataloging was finalized
Тraining of system administrators took place at SU
The translation of Understanding MARC Bibliographic: Machine-Readable Cataloging was finalized.
The Union of Architects in Bulgaria became a NALIS associate member
11,746 retroconverted records created in November
The NALIS team was prepared to work with ALEPH Acquisitions/Serials (Dec 6-7) and consulted on issues related to configuration and system analysis (Dec 8-9)
12,002 retroconverted records in December
Further growth of retroconverted records in January - 12,978
Discussion of the standard Associate Membership Agreement with 7 university libraries
About 60,000 records – the data provided by the New Bulgarian University – were integrated in Primo and are now accessible and searchable through the NALIS Union Catalogue. Their integration was successfully finalised on 11 Feb 2011.
The Technical University of Sofia is the latest associate member of NALISF and its bibliographic records will also becоme integrated part of the NALIS Union Catalogue. The actual agreement was signed on 26 April 2011.
The total number of the records retroconverted in April is 16,224. The biggest part is the SU Library’s one – 11,313. The Library of BAS managed 3,954 and that of AUB – 957 records.
16,163 is the total number of the records retroconverted in February, which is about 25% more than in January. The Sofia University Library retroconverted 11,137 records, the Central Library of BAS – 4,086 and the Library of the American University – 940.
The Varna University of Economics became a NALISF associate member on 24 Feb 2011. Its library database is going to be integrated into the NALIS Union Catalogue.
The Central Medical Library in Sofia is the latest NALIS associate member and it will also contribute its records to the NALIS Union Catalogue. The contract was signed on 1 March 2011.
The Technical University of Gabrovo became a NALISF associate member on 7 March 2011 and will provide it with its electronic library records to be included in the Union Catalogue.
17,627 is the total number of the records retroconverted in March. The Sofia University Library retroconverted 12,940 records, the Central Library of BAS – 3,553 and the Library of the American University – 1,134.
14,148 records were retroconverted in May: 9,624 by SUL, 4,024 by CL-BAS and 500 by BAUB.
The Plovdiv University became an associate member of the NALIS Foundation and expects its library database to be integrated into the NALIS Union Catalogue. The contract was signed on 14 Feb 2011.
Mr D. Krastev made a short statement concerning the NALIS project and the foundation baring the same name. This happened today at a morning show on culture on the National TV.
The Faculty of Medicine at the Trakia University became a NALISF associate member on 1 March 2011. Its library will also provide us with its records to be integrated in the national union catalogue of the academic libraries in Bulgaria
D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics has signed the NALISF Associate Membership Agreement and will have its library records integrated into the NALIS Union Catalogue.
The Agricultural University in Plovdiv became a NALISF associate member on 15 March 2011. Its library records are going to be uploaded in the union national academic catalogue.
NALISF contracted PC-TM for the provision of data to the NALIS Union Catalogue. What follows next is the integration of those bib records into the catalogue, which were made for the libraries using the AB software product and are already associate member
Sofia Katsarska, the AUB Panitza Library director and member of the NALISF Board of Directors, presented the application of Primo for the construction of the NALIS Union Catalogue. This took place at the AMICAL annual conference in Beirut, 29 April 2011.
The Plovdiv Branch of the Technical University of Sofia became a NALISF associate member and its bib records are going to be integrated in the NALIS Union Catalogue. The contract was signed on 9 june 2011.
The total number of the records retroconverted in June was 16,835. SUL contributed with 10,660 records, AUB – with 1,050, and CL-BAS – with 5,125.
Sabina Aneva, the NALISF deputy executive director, gave interview for the Bulgarian National Radio.
4 representatives of the associated libraries were trained in ALEPH 500, v.20, Aquisitions/Serials. The course took place at the NALISF Office, 18-22 July. S.Aneva was the main lecturer, assisted by C.Hristova from CL-BAS.
9 representatives of both founding and associated libraries were trained in MARC 21 Bibliographic and ALEPH 500, v.20. The course took place at the NALISF Office, 11-15 July. S.Aneva was the main lecturer, assisted by 3 specialists from CL-BAS.
The total number of the records, retroconverted in July, is 12,519. LSU submitted 8,443, AUB – 900 and CL-BAS – 3,176.
Dincho Krastev, the direktor of CL-BAS and executive director of NALISF, was interviewed for a local TV channel. The interview can be seen at: http://www.bbt.tv/sutrin_s_bbt#video_7335
The total number of records retroconverted in August is 16,667. SU provided 12,038, CL-BAS – 3,699 and AUBG – 930.
Sabina Aneva presented our foundation and the NALIS Union Catalogue at the 18th Autumn Seminar – AB Today and Tomorrow – held in Varna, 28-30 Sept.
The NALIS team took part in the annual IGeLU Conference and Ex Libris System Seminar in Haifa, 11-16 Sept. What followed were meetings with the management of the Hebrew University Library and the National Library of Israel, 19-20 Sept.
The slogan of NALISF is – A click to knowledge. It was sent to us by Adrian Svetoslavov Pavlov and chosen by the Board of Directors out of 110 suggestions. (Protocol No. 26/08.11.2011).
The NALIS International Forum this year will take place in Alexander Hall, Radisson Blu Grand Hotel, Sofia, on 21 Nov. For more information, see the Events page.
A course in DigiTool for non-ALEPH users took place at the NALISF office, 17-19 Oct. E.Dimitrov thought representatives of AUB and NBU.
The NALIS course in DigiTool for ALEPH users has just ended. It took place at the office of the foundation between 10 and 12 Oct and was led by E. Dimitrov. Participants were representatives of CL-BAS, SUL, VUZF and UAB.
The records retroconverted in October are 19,620 in total: 13,305 by SUL, 800 by AUBG and 5,515 by CL-BAS.
The retroconverted records in September were 20,332 altogether. CL-BAS submitted 5,228, SUL - 14,270 and AUBGL - 834.
The total number of the records retroconverted in April is 33,377: CL-BAS contributed with 17,186 records, SUL – 15,541 and AUBG – 650.
E.Dikova presented digitalisation of cultural heritage undertaken by NALISF and B.Yavrukova – the NALIS project and the participation of SUL in it at the 22th BLIA National Conference (7th June, Sofia).
S.Aneva and E.Dikova presented the projects of NALISF and CL-BAS at the Conference dedicated to the 10-th anniversary of Vasil Levski National Military University (14th June, Veliko Tarnovo).
The total number of the records retroconverted in Jan is 13,073: 12,503by SUL and 570 by AUBG.
You can access the NALIS Union Catalogue also from our Facebook profile. Just click on the CATALOGUE button there.
In Feb the retroconverted records reached the total of 26,054: 15 707 of SUL, 9,397 of CL-BAS and 950 of AUBG.
The Technical University of Varna is the newest NALISF associate member.
The newest NALISF associate member is the Ruse Regional Library.
Sabina Aneva geve an interview before the Bulgarian National Radio, see http://bnr.bg/sites/ hristobotev/Shows/Culture/Artefir/ Pages/130320digital_library.aspx
The retroconverted records in March are 32,140 in total: SUL submitted 20,727, CL-BAS – 10, 413 and AUBG – 1,000.
The newest NALISF associate member is the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) in Sofia.
The bib records retroconverted in April are 27,251 in total. 15,593 were submitted by LSU, 10,708 by CL-BAS and 950 by AUBG.
NALISF signed a mutual cooperation agreement with St. St. Cyril and Methodius National Library in the field of bibliographic activities.
Evgeni Dimitrov and Ekaterina Dikova took part in The Day Begins with the Library - a Bulgarian National TV's Show.
Ann Thornton, Robert Darnton and Dincho Krastev gave an interview for On Air TV in relation to the third NALIS forum entitled Digital Library – Technological and Social Issues.
The annual meeting of the NALISF Board of Directors with the NALISF Council of Experts took place today in Sofia.
A one-week course in MARC 21 Bibliographic and ALEPH 500 v 20.1 took place at the NALIS foundation.
A one-day course in ABBYY FineReader and DigiTool took place in the American Research Center in Sofia. For details, see the Training Section on our website.
The NALIS Union Catalogue gives a free access to more than two million records – 2,073,640 – after the bib records of the Ruse Regional Library were integrated in it.
The total number of the records retrconverted in May is 28,201: 17,433 were submitted by SUL, 10,098 – by CL-BAS and 670 – by AUBG.
The National Centre for Information and Documentation became a NALIS associate member.
Ex Libris presented the latest products used in the NALIS Project at the Mirror Hall at the Sofia University before about 50 library specialists.
The total number of the records retroconverted in June is 25,761: 15,081 were submitted by LSU, 10,046 by CL-BAS and 640 by AUBG.
Today we integrated 6,837 bib records of the Central Agricultural Library and 11,929 of the Trakia University’s Central Library into the NALIS Union Catalogue.
The total number of the records retroconverted in July was 24,651: 12,812 by LSU, 10,789 by CL-BAS and 1,050 by AUBG.
The total number of the records retroconverted in Sept was 41,622: 10,661 were from CL-BAS, 1,050 – from AUBG and 29,911 from LSU.
D. Krastev and S. Aneva gave a talk entitled The NALIS Foundation: Modern Technological Decisions at The Bulgarian Digital Library: Models and Methods, a National Round Table (Sofia, 17 Oct 2013).
The Annual Meeting of the NALIS Associate Members took place at CL-BAS on 29 Oct. Representatives of various libraries offered their greetings to Dr Anna Angelowa, the LSU Director, in the occation of the 125 anniversery of the Sofia University.
A workshop in the framework of EuropeanaPhotography, entitled Undisclosed Treasures from the Photo Archives, took place at CL BAS on 29 Oct. The fascinating presentations were based on valuable photograps from private and public collections in Bulgaria.
12,798 records were submitted by the National Library in relation to the project of retroconversion of holdings. The records are linked to the collection of Bulgarian PhD dissertations and thesises from the period between 1970-1995.
The Interlibrary Loan module, to be used through the NALIS Union Catalogue by the members of the consortium, was started on 30 Oct 2013.
29,065 is the total number of bib records prepared in raltaion to the project of retroconvertion of library holdings: 14,621 were submitted bu LSU, 13 480 – by CL-BAS and 964 – by AUBG.
D. Krastev took part in the Artefir show of the Bulgarian National Radio (the Christo Botev Programme). He presented the activities related to EuropeanaPhotography and the challenges that our libraries meet nowadays.
An initial training on Rosetta took place at the NALIS Foundation. It was intended for the NALIS team and performed by Ex Libris specialists. For more information see the Training page.
