Advanced search
Course reserves
Cataloguing and Authority records
Koha administration
About Koha

Fully integrated library system including all library processes organised in modules:
Web-based interface - online catalogue, circulation, management, self-service, and active participation of patrons in library processes.
Multifaceted, professional, efficient search and the possibility to catalogue content from Amazon, Google, LibraryThing, and other similar systems.
Multilingual interface –Bulgarian, main European languages, and a large number of other languages, increasing every year
Compatible with library standards and protocols such as MARC21, UNIMARC, z39.50, SRU/SRW, SIP2, SIP/NCIP, and OAI which ensures interoperability with other systems and technologies.

Checkout and checkin of library items (by a librarian or a patron).
Request and renewing of library items (by a librarian or a patron through the online catalogue).
Fast cataloguing (when a librarian needs to quickly add a record to the system for an item they are about to check out.).
Offline circulation and uploading offline circulation files when the system is back online.
Interlibrary loan.
Tracking library items from one location to another (from one branch library to another).
Monitoring and management of overdue library items. Fines.
Statistics and Reports.
Printing patrons reports.
Add, edit, manage, and search for a patron, a staff patron, and a statistical patron.
Checking for duplicated patron information.
Add patron images.
Creating patron cards.
Setting patron permissions.
Accounting - credits, fees and fines.
Generating and printing different types of notes.
Mailing lists to notify patrons of new arrivals.
Circulation, requests, and patron logs history.
Patron purchase suggestions and account management.
Advanced search
Multi-faceted, professional and efficient database search supported by a user-friendly interface.
Result lists can be created, stored, and compiled according to different criteria and for different purposes, by managing access to it (for creation, editing, and reading).
Course reserves
Allows the creation of temporary libraries, the collection of which is composed of library items removed from the main library collection. Their usage may be determined by various circulation rules that apply only to them and remain in effect for as long as the temporary library exists. The module is handy in organizing exhibitions, serving patrons of a course of study, etc.
Cataloguing and Authority records

- Cataloguing different material types with the help of editors for filling each field (MARC21 format). Add, edit, copying, and delete bibliographic and authority records. Multilingual interface (Old Bulgarian, Arabic, Hebrew, etc.). UTF-8 character encoding standard is used.
- Add, edit, copy, and delete bibliographic and authority records.
- Different languages input (Old Bulgarian, Arabic, Hebrew, etc.). The UTF-8 character encoding standard is used.
- Defining different material types of the library documents.
- Authority control of copyright, titles and subject headings.
- Z39.50-protocol for exchanging bibliographic and authority data with other library systems.
- Export and import of data.
- RFID integration.
- Barcode printing.
- Statistics and reports.

- Subscription search.
- New subscription.
- Subscription renewal
- Manage subscription fields
- Manage serial frequencies and numbering patterns
- Obtain a new issue.
- Claims.
- Manage the binding process.
- Create a routing list to notify patrons of new arrivals.
- Patron purchase suggestions directly from the online catalogue.
- Statistics and reports.

- Patron purchase suggestions directly from the online catalogue.
- Manage purchase suggestions.
- Currencies and exchange rates registration.
- Database of suppliers (booksellers, publishers, etc.), contracts, invoices.
- Registration, payment, invoicing, and order receipt.
- Late orders claims.
- Monitoring, analysis and evaluation of budgets and budget funds.
- Check for duplicate records when cataloguing new arrivals.
- Statistics and reports.

Reports are used to generate statistics, member lists, shelving lists, or any list of data in your database. There are two types of reports:
Statistics reports. They are provided forms and can be used repeatedly:
- Patrons with the most checkouts.
- Most circulated items.
- Patrons with no checkouts.
- Items with no checkouts.
- Lost items.
- Orders from different budgets.
Custom reports. The librarians can generate nearly any report they would like.
- Guided reports.
- Inquiry for statistical data on various library activities to analyse and improve work in various directions.
- Reports, as per library requirements.

The tools are grouped into three large groups, being organically included in each module they serve:
- Patrons and circulation:
Manage patron lists.
Manage patron clubs.
Manage patron comments.
Patron import.
Notices and slips (manage printed and sent overdue notices and others according to library needs).
Patron card creator.
Batch patron deletion and anonymize checkout history.
Batch patron modification.
Batch extension of checkin date.
Patron tag moderation.
Batch and single patrons image uploads.
- Catalogue:
Batch item deletion.
Batch item modification.
Batch record deletion.
Batch record modification.
Automatic item/items modifications by age.
Export data.
Label creator.
Spine label creator.
Manage rotating collections.
Manage templates when importing data from another library.
Stage MARC21 records into the reservoir.
Staged MARC21 records management.
Upload cover image.
- Additional Tools:
Calendar - defining library closings and holidays to be used when calculating due dates.
CSV profiles.
Log viewer.
News in OPAC and staff interface.
Task scheduler - schedules reports to run the server whenever you want.
Quote of the Day Editor for OPAC.
Upload Files and process management.
Access to files stored on the server ex. log files and reports.
Koha administration

System configuration is done through this module:
- System settings
- General parameters
Add a library (incl. with a branched structure).
Library groups.
Item types.
Authorized values.
- Patrons and circulation
Patron categories.
Circulation rules.
Patron attributes.
Library transfer limits.
Transport cost matrix.
Item circulation alerts.
Cities and towns.
- Accounting
Types of debit.
Types of credit.
- Catalogue administration
MARC21 bibliographic framework.
Koha and MARC21 mapping.
Test for MARC21 bibliographic template.
MARC21 Standard Authority Types.
Classification sources.
Record matching rules.
OAI sets configuration.
Item search fields.
Configuring a search engine (Elasticsearch).
- Acquisitions parameters
Currencies and exchange rates.
EDI accounts.
Library EAN barcodes.
- Additional parameters
Z39.50/SRU servers.
SMTP servers.
Did you mean?
Column settings.
Audio alerts.
Share content with Mana KB.
Additional fields.
About Koha

The About Koha area will give you important server information as well as general information about the software version.
Koch's online catalogue provides an opportunity not only to search and find information but also for active participation of patrons (after login) in the acquisition, enhance catalogue content through tagging, list creation, self-service and active assistance on the part of patrons in library processes ...
There is a possibility for:
- Basic search.
- Advanced search.
- Boolean search.
- Tag cloud.
- Most wanted reporting.
- Authority search.
- Content enhancement from Amazon, Google, LibraryThings, Open Library Syndetics, etc.
Results overview:
The following information is provided:
- Number of found results
- Possibility to choose another sorting method.
- Item type.
- Availability and possibility to place a holding request, check out, and renewal.
- Book jackets, created by the library itself or integrated automatically from Amazon, Google, LibraryThings, Open Library Syndetics, etc.
- Did you mean? option to support searching.
- Filters to refine the result by displaying availability, titles, item types, series, topics, holding library, location, etc..
Bibliographic record display:
In Normal View:
- It is possible to click the links in the record and search for other items from the same Author, Publisher, and Subject headings. If there is a link to the online publication of a library item, this is where it can be accessed.
- In the tabs below the details, you will find holdings data.
- Make searches in other databases (such as NABIS Union Catalog, Google Scholar, WorldCat, OpenLibrary, etc.) without typing the search criteria again.
- Save the bibliographic record in different international formats depending on the readers’ needs such as BIBTEX, Dublin Core (XML), MARCXML, MARC (non-Unicode/MARC-8), MARC (Unicode/UTF-8), MARC (Unicode /UTF-8, Standard), MODS (XML), RIS.
Bibliographic record in MARC21 format view:
Bibliographic record in ISBD view (catalogue card):
Additional services provided via OPAC for the registered readers depending on the Library's Reader Service Rules:
- Self-registration, account management, password resetting.
- Save search history.
- View, save, merge results lists, reuse and optionally share with other registered readers.
- Filling and managing the content of a cart in which library items are placed before an order is made.
- Placing holds, check outs, renewing and check ins library items by the reader himself.
- Overview of the placed holds history, checkouts.
- Fees, fines, etc. payment.
- Tagging bibliographic records, thereby contributing to the enrichment of information about the library item.
- Opinion sharing, comment, explanation about a library item.
- Purchase suggestions.